2022 Exhibition
I was able to see the growth of my child over the past year through the artworks. Reggio’s projects are very creative and well thought through. I understand that producing artwork from one’s idea is a really challenging thing to do, but a very satisfying experience at the same time. Now I understand the reason why my child eagerly goes to BKI every day. (Anonymous)
2022 Exhibition
Wonderful exhibition with a good understanding and expression of each child’s individuality. Very happy to see the growth spike over the year. (T’s Family)
Open Class 2022
I was impressed by the children’s initiative and the fact that they care for other classmates at a such young age. The atmosphere allows every child to carefully listen and focus on their creative activities. I wish for them to make a lot of wonderful memories. Thank you very much (N’s Family).
It was a great opportunity and I was glad to see my children having fun at school. I was also impressed by the teacher's skills and abilities in leading the class; the tone, the pause, eye contact, the word selection, visual props, everything was perfect. Thank you so much. (Y and E Family)
Testimonials from the past
“Excellent quality of care"
“I was startled by the amount of art work displayed, amazed by the content, and enjoyed it very much. Especially the huge 3D cardboard art, the Christmas show costumes, and who would imagine an art made out of Cicada shells. I am happy to know that students are absorbing so much from the everyday exposure to variety of colors, textures, and the sense of 2D materials evolving into a 3D art work.” (T’s Parents)
“Every single one of them was wonderful! I thought that the choice of colors and materials were something I would not be able to see much in Japan. Thank you very much for paying attention to small details and noticing subtle changes of my child. I have so much respect for the teachers.” (G’s Parents)
“Thank you for the amazing art works this year again. The art works enabled me to discover a new side of my children, which I ordinary do not see at home. I sought infinite possibilities, and made me want to try out many more challenging things at home as well.” (C and U’s Parents)
“BKI has offered the best education for my daughter, who considers all the teachers family. There is a real sense of warmth and stability, and she has no idea that she spends all day absorbing some really quite complex knowledge!”
“The school’s curriculum is an easy going blend of all subjects that children are allowed to fully immerse themselves in – neck deep! Upon closer inspection, the facade of simplicity reveals a complex and well-studied teaching medium, of which the staff are experts.”
“My daughter loves this school! BKI has given her a chance to learn in a refreshingly ‘down to earth’ atmosphere. The flexibility of the owners, the well-planned (and simple!) calendar and the attention to child/parents’ needs, make this surely one of the best schools in Tokyo!”
“When my little girl gets older she will remember her time at BKI vividly. I, too, have a great collection of photo journals sent to me by ‘Mr. Rob’, of pool play, day trips and laughing faces. Every day is worthy of capturing in memory and camera.”
“Lovely parents, great kids, open and warm atmosphere – I never feel that there are any ‘down days’ at BKI.” -K’s Mum
Dear Miss Kumi and staff,
I cant believe my son is graduating from BKI.
As strange as it sounds, I hate to see him graduate because it means he wont be able to come to BKI everyday.
I know its a great thing that he is moving on to a new school. However, attending BKI was such a nice experience for him. I wish he could stay here forever.
BKI is a warm, happy, comfortable place filled with laughter and love. Everything you do here is just what the children want and need.
You always give them the chance to think and to create things with their friends. You encourage them to use their imagination and to make things while sharing their ideas with everyone.
My son was shy before, but he has changed a lot since he came to BKI. He loves BKI and its like a home to him.
I really appreciate what you've done for us and your hard work.
I think we were so lucky to have found such an amazing school.
Thank you so much for those memorable years. - R's Mum.
“The biggest reason we chose BKI was the teachers zeal concerning their educational system. Their eyes always sparkle when they talk about their educational policy. We felt confident in trusting them. BKI fosters independence in the child. The children are often given the chance to speak in front of the group. BKI is not like a Japanese kindergarten. Our children have gained great self esteem from the teachers positive guidance. Both our sons enjoy it very much. Every day they make a new discovery. We are always looking forward to their future.” -A&T’s Mum
“Our son attended BKI for 5 years. Each day he enters an environment where he receives the support and encouragement he needs to develop intellectually and emotionally. And at this, perhaps most crucial, stage of his development, we cannot express how grateful we are that such a preschool exists. Our son has developed friendships with his fellow students. He loves going to BKI each morning, and he always has something interesting to talk about at the end of the day. Since he started, we have watched him grow into a unique, confident little human being, and we owe much of this to the efforts of the dedicated staff at BKI.” -M&W
Dear BKI Staff,
Thank you so much for the 2014 Christmas show. I was SO impressed by their performance! Your direction, their performance, the props and the backdrops, everything was just so amazing and beautiful! It must have been really hard to have them memorise their lines and teach them how to play.
I never thought that kindergarten students could perform such an amazing play!
They were perfect and performing with confidence! Im sure all the parents feel the same way.
Thank you so much for having taught them sincerely and politely and having loved them so deeply all the time. I think that’s why they were able to enjoy practicing for the Christmas show and performed very well.
We’re so lucky to have found such a great kindergarten and met great teachers like you.